Concrete Lifting in Danville, CA
Have trouble with an unsightly sunken sidewalk, driveway, pool deck, or garage floor in Danville? If you need help with concrete lifting in Danville, CA, you’ve landed on the right page!

Sunken Concrete is Both a Safety Hazard and a Liability
Nobody would disagree with us that sunken, uneven concrete sidewalks, driveways, and pool decks are serious eyesores. However, they’re more than this. They’re also trip hazards, and a liability that could result in injuries and, in the worst case scenario, lawsuits. Therefore, you don’t want to put this repair on the back burner.
We are able to lift sunken or settled concrete slabs in Danville, CA including, but not limited to…
Benefits Of Concrete Lifting Via Polyurethane Foam Injection
The benefits of concrete lifting – also known as slabjacking or polyurethane foam injection – are many, including:
- It’s a solution that lasts. Polyurethane foam is lightweight so it won’t add more weight to the soil. Other methods of lifting concrete – for example, mudjacking – might lift the concrete temporarily. However, the cement slurry used to lift the slab is heavy and as such it adds even more weight to the soil. If the soil was having trouble supporting the concrete before, adding more weight to it isn’t going to help.
- It’s a cost-effective solution. Concrete lifting via polyurethane foam injection is less expensive that replacing the concrete.
- It’s quickly implemented. Polyurethane foam injection is not only a quick procedure, but it enables you to use the slab immediately after the repair is complete.
- It’s lightweight. Polyurethane foam lifts concrete without adding extra weight to the soil. A technique that adds extra weight to the soil – mudjacking, for example – will not stop the sinking if the soil isn’t able to support a slab.
- It doesn’t harm the environment. Polyurethane foam doesn’t release harmful chemicals into the soil. This makes it a green solution.
- Even concrete just looks good! Sunken, uneven concrete is an eyesore.
What Causes Concrete Slabs To Sink Or Become Uneven?
Concrete slabs sink and become uneven for a variety of reasons including…
Drainage problems. Too much water can wash away the soil under a slab leaving behind voids that the slab will then sink into.
Weak soil that can’t hold up the slab. Not all types of soil are strong enough to support the weight of a concrete slab.
Expansive soil. Expansive soil swells when it soaks up water and shrinks when it dries out. Over time this swelling-shrinking cycle can cause uneven slabs.
Invasive tree roots. You can probably guess how this happens. The roots push against the slab and cause sections of it to become uneven.
What are the Different Ways to Lift a Concrete Slab?
Traditionally, uneven concrete slabs were repaired in one of two ways. They were repaired either via a technique called “mudjacking”, or by tearing up the uneven slab and pouring new concrete. Both these methods have their drawbacks though. We’ll explain how each one of them works, and then we’ll explain how polyurethane foam injection works. You’ll agree with us that it’s the best way to lift and level a concrete slab.

Mudjacking involves injecting a cement slurry under the slab in order to raise it. The problem with mudjacking is the fact that the cement slurry isn’t exactly lightweight. If the soil was already struggling to hold up the slab, adding more weight to it in the form of a heavy, cement slurry is only going to cause it to sink even deeper into the soil.
Concrete Replacement
Replacing an uneven concrete slab means ripping up the old one and then pouring new concrete. This certainly works. However, it’s an expensive and time consuming fix. This is because freshly poured concrete takes time to dry and cure. That means you won’t be able to use the new slab right away. Also, if the slab sunk because the soil couldn’t support it, the new slab will suffer the same fate.
Of course, it goes without saying that you should never add concrete on top of a slab in order to even it out. This will only add even more weight to an already sinking slab.
Polyurethane Foam Injection
Polyurethane foam injection (also known as ‘’slab jacking’’) is a minimally-invasive, cost-effective procedure that injects a lightweight and rapidly-expanding foam under a concrete slab in order to lift it again. It’s a quick repair, and when it’s done you can start using the slab again right away.

Concrete Lifting Services in Brentwood, CA
We’ve been repairing foundations and concrete slabs in Danville CA since 2005. Our mission is to make sure lifting your concrete slab is a stress-free event that provides a cost-effective, permanent fix.
For a free concrete lifting inspection and repair estimate, fill out the contact form at the top of the page.
Our Process
Free Foundation Repair Inspection and Estimate in Brentwood, CA
At Bay Area Underpinning we’ve been busy fixing foundations, and concrete lifting in Danville, CA since 2005. Yes, uneven concrete is an eyesore. But don’t worry. We can lift and make it beautiful again in no time flat! Short on time? Scroll down and check out our customer reviews.
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